Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ode To Elmo

This is Ode to Elmo:

Elmo was a friend, a friend he was in deed
Elmo could make you laugh when he knew it was in need

Elmo lifted out spirits high when ever we were down
If The Volcano and Stanley were gone Elmo was around

I remember when we met him
For the longest we would ask his name
Now a name which won't be forgotten
Poe, Hogan, and Elmo will not have died in vein


Deez said...

Jake u should calculate how much each use cost. think we ripped it once in Lafayette

jamie: "that nigga commited suicide cuz his name was elmo"

Max Power said...

Son, you know he wouldnt have died so young if he went with my name.... Iceman